A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

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Get your Bibles Out -It’s The (TSSV) Today’s Seeker-Sensitive Version!

In the never ending quest to produce the perfectly “relevant” Bible, I think we just made one big leap for man-kind [and one small step for God]. In a web exclusive I bring to you an excerpt of Paul’s letter to Timothy ….

2 Timothy 4:1-5 (TSSV) Today's Seeker-Sensitive Version  2 Timothy 4:1-5 (TSSV) Today’s Seeker-Sensitive Version

1. I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who is the only one who can judge us, and by His appearing and His kingdom:

2. preach the gospel; be ready to be relevant to the needs of the un-churched; be excellent in all that you do, uplift each other with life changing events, worship the Lord above all, and do not cause division within the church because of doctrine.

3. For the time will come when they will not serve God; but wanting to cause division, they will rebuke your efforts to reach the world for Christ! They will be critics and lead many to rebuke those who seek to reach the un-churched.

4.They will turn away from our ways to the ways of the Pharisee.

5.But you, volunteer in all things for the church, do not be a critic unless you are in the “inner” circle of the church’s leadership, always tithe, and follow the word of your seeker-sensitive life coach pastor above all because he has been given a vision directly from God.

But on second thoughts I think all references to God and Jesus can be neutered with a gender sensitive pronoun. And we can also change Timothy to Tabitha . And instead of “preach the gospel” why not just say “spread the dialogue”? Hmmm.

For more suggestions you could email your nearest Emergent or Seeker Sensitive church and hey I don’t think they will refuse any cheques for advance copies either. As always “Its all about You!”

Excerpt from 2 Timothy 4:1-5 (TSSV) Today’s Seeker-Sensitive Version [HT In The Hedge with David J]

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