A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

Reformed. Christianity. Evangelism. Modern Culture.

Interviews ®

NO CELEBRITIES HERE! The Interviews section is now fully functional. In this section A Twisted Crown of Thorns ® will feature witty interviews with anonymized Christian personalities. Issues discussed range from what the gospel is,  contemporary Christian world view conundrums and age old controversies in an informal conversational setting. Please check here!!

Meet The Christians: A Day in the life of a Christian Wife and Home maker

[This was the first interview] Knock! Knock! Some body  comes to open the door. Un announced A Twisted Crown of Thorns ® [ATCT] has paid a surprise visit to a mystery Christian guest. She is a wife and home maker. A dreamy dinner is almost ready (or is it?) and before she can excuse her self to turn off the cooker, we shall have a two minute marathon interview. The interviewee will remain anonymous for this session as we stir the contents in the frying pan and see what she truly believes. So, what do these Christian believe and why do they believe so? Listen in:

ATCT: Sorry you are masked from your audience today. What is a typical week in your life like?

CHRISTIAN: A typical week is being a homemaker primarily, dealing with meals, the care and feeding of a toddler, teenager and husband, and all that this entails. I spend my child’s naptime writing usually on my blog or sharing news and information through my facebook outlet. It’s a very different life than I used to have, but it’s where God has put me.

ATCT: Did you have any Christian  influence in your youth or childhood?

CHRISTIAN: I was raised in a home of professing Christians. We saw little reality of that in the life of our distracted ministry father, but saw real faith in our mother’s life. She was the one who taught us Scriptures, Bible stories and hymns and songs. She was a prayer warrior and she prayed for all of us. Grateful for that.

ATCT: What is the gospel in one sentence?  Read More

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