A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

Reformed. Christianity. Evangelism. Modern Culture.

Tag Archives: Satire

Ten Myths of Church Growth.


Church growth strategies have been named many things by many pastors. Others call it “vision casting” others call it being “purpose driven” and others merely call it what it is….pragmatism. I came across these ten interesting myths that made me chuckle:

1. If You’re Not Growing, Something’s Wrong
If growth and a bigger crowd is “always” the result of obedience then some of the OT prophets will have some serious explaining to do.
Of course, if you’re not growing—or you’re declining—I think it is cause to evaluate what you’re doing, but it’s not a given that something is always “wrong.”
God could be doing something different—more Jeremiah and less Peter…
2. The More You Grow, the Healthier You Are
We would love to believe this one. It certainly feels good to have a bigger crowd. There’s a built-in justification for ministry leaders when more people show up, I know. However, just because your church has more people attending doesn’t mean your church is completely healthy. In fact, it might be cause to closely evaluate the message the crowd is hearing…

3. Contemporary Music Will Save Your Church
It can help at times—depending on the community and the people you’re trying to reach—but it’s not always a help. In fact, sometimes it’s an obstacle.
Changing your music and the feel of your worship gathering should have a reason bigger than, “We want to reach young people!” or, “We want to stay hip.” Hopefully, the music you sing is an authentic expression of your distinct makeup as both a church and a community and not a grasp at straws for church growth. …Read More!

Ye Are The Salt!—Not Sugar Candy

By Charles Spurgeon

An evil is in the professed camp of the Lord, so gross in its impudence, that the most shortsighted can hardly fail to notice it during the past few years. It has developed at an abnormal rate, even for evil. It has worked like leaven until the whole lump ferments. The devil has seldom done a cleverer thing than hinting to the church that part of their mission is to provide entertainment for the people, with a view to winning them. Read More

Why Do We Say Grace Before Meals?

Isn’t it rather odd in it self that we have different meanings for “Grace” these days? Just saying… 🙂

[HT to Facebook Friends]

Let’s get those pesky Christians!

At times it appears as though this is what is happening all around. Well sometimes it is…20130720-091147.jpg

At Leicester Square:

Preaching in Leicester Square tonight with Josh and the team. It totally kicked off, the crowd got really hostile, but praise God, after reasoning with the authorities and standing our ground, we have been allowed to preach. Please pray the gospel would continue to go forth in grace and truth.-R. Hughes

via FB.

That moment when you realize ‘anger management’ isn’t working…

On a lighter note I hear humming loudly soothes the fury of a woman scorned…No?


Wimbledon: Don’t watch tennis or you might lose your head.

On a lighter note. I think watching or playing Wimbledon Centre Court Tennis should come with a health warning. Somebody just lost his head…. 😉20130706-090155.jpg

Jesus is Australian and goes by the name AJ?

We all know how IT guys think they are gods (insert smiley face here) but well here is one who is taking things literally and actually getting away with it:


A man claiming to be Jesus is gaining followers and causing concern among cult experts in Australia.

Former IT specialist Alan John Miller, or AJ as he prefers to be known, runs a religious movement known as the Divine Truth from his home near the small town of Kingaroy in the state of Queensland.

Mr Miller claims that not only is he Christ, but his partner, Australian Mary Luck, is in fact Mary Magdalene, who according to the Bible was present at the crucifixion.

He told Sky News: “I have very clear memories of the crucifixion, but it wasn’t as harrowing for me as it was for others like Mary who was present.

“When you are one with God you are not in a state of fear, and you have quite good control over your body’s sensations and the level of pain that you absorb from your body.”

Mr Miller holds seminars near his home and also travels around the world teaching people how to have a personal relationship with God, often by delving deep into their emotions.

Dozens of his followers are understood to have bought properties in the area to be closer to him.

After his crucifixion the Australian claims he entered the spirit world where he met Plato, Socrates, popes and presidents.

Now, I didn’t see that coming. Jesus tucked away in the sunny out backs of Australia!

G’day, mates! Meet me in Kingaroy! Without further ado I am off to the land down under!

I always knew Oz was God’s own country – how dare you judge me when I now have confirmation from some one from IT? 😉


I have resolved to learn to play a musical instrument this year… Honest!

I will learn to play a musical instrument this year. I know my family have heard me say this every year. Truth is I always “mean it”. Sadly, and strange enough no one seems to have a clue what happened to the bass guitar I got or the electric piano or even the harmonica. Grrrr! Am really that bad?

Well, now I think I am pretty much really really really serious! Yes, and I am going to really reaaaaally prove every one (who thinks I am the world’s best procrastinator) wrong. Just wait till I have one more cup of tea and maybe tomorrow morning we will begin to tackle this one consuming passion.

Speaking of which I have dusted down my old Acoustic guitar, re-strung it, shone its fret board and ripped off a few chord lessons from music gurus ( thanks You-tube)! I know a few skeptics are stifling giggles in the next room (my five year old daughter sighs and walks out of the room at this point as she has seen me go through this routine many times) – but I think by the end of this year I can be as good as the kid in the photo. 🙂


Do you have any links or advice for a beginner with an Acoustic guitar? Please help me out A.S.A.P ( I have less than 365 days before I am made to take the sad chief procrastinator’s title for another year running).

Dear soccer fans, if the world were to end today (21st December 2012)


It’s a few minutes past 11.00Am and it’s the 21st December 2012. Nothing has happened here! Nothing happened in Australia (who are rather doing well down under and enjoying 22nd December) by the way. But a little chuckle about this Mayan calender craze and a hat tip to soccer fans for this rib cracker.

If the world were to end on the 21st December 2012, the only place you would want to be is next to Sir Alex Ferguson. He ALWAYS gets extra time! ~ Anonymous soccer fan

By the look of things we seem to be in ‘Fergie time’ now. 🙂


To catch fish, you must think like ’em!

A purpose driven idea


If you’re going to be good at fishing, you’ve got to learn to think like a fish. If you’re going to be an effective fisher of men, you’ve got to think like a lost person. Here’s the problem. Unfortunately, the longer you are a Christian, the less you think like an unbeliever…To catch fish, you’ve got to know their habits, their preferences, and their feeding patterns. Certain fish like smooth water. Others are bottom crawlers. Some like rushing water. Others hide under rocks. You’ve got to know what the fish you’re trying to reach like to do. If you’re going to understand and reach non-Christians, you’ve got to begin with their mindset.-Rick Warren

Still scratching my head till I can get my hair cut straight enough to become hip and “relevant”. I think I will reach there next year! Trying!!

Church Bulletin Bloopers.


On a lighter note, next time you listen to announcements or read the Church bulletin you might double up in laughter. Looking back at some bloopers, here are some Lutheran reminders

·For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

·Due to the Rector’s illness, Wednesday’s healing services will be discontinued until further notice.

·Evening massage – 6 p.m.

·The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the church basement on Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

·Potluck supper: prayer and medication to follow.

·Don’t let worry kill you off – let the church help. …Read More!

Fifteen reasons why the Arminian and Calvinist didn’t cross the Road.


On a lighter note, here is why the Arminian and Calvinist did not cross the road….

15. We are not sure if the Arminian will cross or not. No one knows. Not even God.
14. The Calvinist believes that “road crossing” ceased with the death of the last Apostle or the completion of the New Testament.
13. He has felt the draw of the other side of the road and the Arminian has resisted thus far.
12. Calvinists were not elected to cross before the foundation of the road.
11. The Arminian heard someone yell at someone on the other side calling him a dork. He thought he said “Dordt.” It scared him.
10. The Calvinists said road was called Tiber Ave.
9. The Arminian shipwrecked on his way across therefore he never made it.

Read more of this post

On Christian Rock ‘n’ Roll…


This reminds me of some church’s attempt to stage a “Rock ‘n’ Roll and party all night” worship. Photo HT Contemporary Calvinist

Prosperity preacher “Nick” says, “I ‘m Sorry”

Prosperity preachers and politicians are alike. They promise what they know they cannot fulfill. They say if you give them your votes you will see how they will make the birds sing louder, turn the grass green, make the sky blue and build bridges in deserts, make the chicken of farmers lay more eggs. Nick apparently made a couple of promises to students that he knew he wouldn’t keep….no, never keep. Once they gave him their votes and he had won the elections, he didn’t do what he promised – he actually did what the students had feared all along. Then the poor students realised they had been sold hot air. Nothing became of all the promises. So Nick was “poked” to explain…you will love this. He came clean…told them he had taken them for a long long ride.The students liked his embarrassing apology that they immortalised it in a hit song….
At least some one was honest! Who is next then? 😉


Speaking of Hysterical Artefacts!

On a lighter note there are more historical artefacts being dug up this week. Or is it hysterical artefacts? 🙂20120921-223725.jpg

HT Sacred Sandwich

The new Emergent Bible is out!

Yup, the new Emergent Bible is out and it’s leaner…

20120912-095344.jpg Wait till you see the revised edition. I hear it even has no Contents! 😉

Chinese River turns from “golden” to Red!


Strange happenings in China this week…

For a river known as the “golden watercourse,” red is a strange color to see.
Yet that’s the shade turning up in the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why.
The red began appearing in the Yangtze, the longest and largest river in China and the third longest river in the world, yesterday near the city of Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River.
The Yangtze, called “golden” because of the heavy rainfall it receives year-round, runs through Chongqing, Southwest China’s largest industrial and commercial center, also known as the “mountain city” because of the hills and peaks upon which its many buildings and factories stand.
The red color stopped some residents in their tracks. They put water from the river in bottles to save it. Fishermen and other workers who rely on the river for income kept going about their business…

I think I will ask Pat Robertson why this river has turned red. He always has an explanation. Maybe somebody made another pact with the devil.

London Olympics: We all got what we wanted!


The opening ceremony of the Olympics in every host nation always tells the story of … whatever! The Summer 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony celebrations were whatever you wanted to make of them. That may sound post modern but look, we all got what ever we wanted. Didn’t we? Booms, blasts and Bond! Oh yes, we even saw Her Majesty become a Bond girl. There was a high speed river chase in a super boat. An adrenaline pumping helicopter dash with a heroine leaping into a gaping hole of pyrotechnics. Industrial action (pun intended)! Health care service was given a make over. Ancient pagan worship and modern dance entertained us with one titillating love story. Or so we thought. Even the conspiracy theorists got enough fodder when they saw Illuminati pyramids surround the arena. How about the Christians? Well there was the Christian hymn “Abide in me” to keep conservatives happy. It was a vague after-note some still say after it was edited out by American media. The bigger story was to be a diverse celebration of Life, humanity and death.
Speaking of which do we ever think of life here after? Maybe the answer was hidden in the tallest animated symbol of all in the Olympics stadium. Do you mean the hideously monstrous “death” effigy?

Read more of this post

Do not use your children as a sermon illustration…

Do no use your children as a sermon illustration or else…. 😉

HT: Friends on FB.

Cribs: Prosperity Gospel Preacher Edition

If I were a prosperity preacher I would name and claim this crib surely 😉

Your best life now.
Photo HT friends on FB.

On the Road to Emmaus with Rick Warren (While Tweeting)

There’s never a dull day when Rick Warren gets to tweet ‘pearls of wisdom’. He is the Evangelical pope isn’t he? He is of course America’s pastor and what he says will trend in the high ways and byways of evangelicalism. Ever since we exchanged our bibles for that good, well written and inspired church growth purpose driven manual of his we have never looked back.
Why do many people think that Jesus was the fulfilment of the old testament prophecy and expectations? They think He is the one that the Bible is all about! And I am very happy that Rick put these people back in their place with a very well timed ‘tweet’. And that settles it. Yippee!


If only I could walk with a wise man like Rick on the road to Emmaus and he would exegete Scripture. I would ask him to begin in the Old to the New Testament and explain to me what verses like these ones by (umm Jesus) mean:

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. (Luke 24:27)
You search Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me (John 5:39)

Oops! Those verses will make him put his foot in his mouth! …Read More!

10 signs you are no longer Young, Restless and Reformed.

On a lighter note…don’t read this while sipping coffee infront of your computer:

Sign #1: You’ve given up smoking your pipe because you want to actually be able to afford term life insurance.

Sign #2: Your ‘Jonathan Edwards is My Homeboy’ shirt is faded and now simply reads, ‘Jonathan Edwards is My Home.”

Sign #3: You now read your ESV Bible more than you read John Piper.

Sign #4: You’ve considered writing a book (for P&R rather than Crossway), Old, Well-Rested, and Reformed. [Copyright: Adam Parker, 2010] (You want the name, Collin Hansen!? Come back in 30 years and just try to get it!)

Sign #5: You find yourself warning newbies about ‘the cage stage,’ and then you find yourself reminiscing about terrorizing unsuspecting Arminians back in your day.

Sign #6: You actually know who Van Til is.

Sign #7: You have decided that is is okay to plod.

Sign #8: Your iPod now has more sermons by Sinclair Ferguson than it does of Mark Driscoll. …Read More!

Charles Darwin is still alive and well (encased in concrete) in the Natural History Museum.

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The kids recently had an educational home school trip to the Natural History museum in South Kensington (London) and I managed to tag along. Being the slowest in the bunch I managed to slow the team enough to allow me to take a few photos. The original plan was actually to do 3 museums (Natural History museum, Victoria and Albert art museum and the Science museum) in one day…over ambitious of course!

My highlight indeed was meeting with the one and only ….Charles Darwin! We had a chat but he is rather quiet these days. You see …Read More!

And then the worship leader set his guitar on fire…and there was a glory cloud!

On a lighter note:

Hank:  Did you boys hear all of that racket & commotion this morning at church? It was like a bomb went off on the stage, I tell you what…

Dale:  Hank, that is what we contemporary worshippers call praise &
worship music.

Bill:  I kind of liked it when the guitar player set his guitar on fire while he played the solo to     In-A-Godda-Da-Vida.

Boomhauer:  I tell you what, man, that ol’ boy, he played that, boom! …that wuz good stuff.

Re blogged from The Truthinator’s blog.

Olsteen renounces prosperity gospel and calls out false teachers!

A local pastor Jodwell K. Olsteen has renounced prosperity gospel in a sudden turn of events. Known for his sell out stadium events that always drew the elite of society and celebrities, this is surely out of character for the always smiling and positive talking pastor.

In a press release circulated around Hollywood the remorseful man of God said he had come to realise the depth of his own depravity and sin. He had realised he had given many people false hope in preaching “prosperity for all” in the name of Jesus. Jodwell said that the prosperity gospel preachers create a ponzi scheme. He likened it to clouds with out water and a road to no where. But his biggest remorse came from the fact that his messages had corrupted the gospel and inoculated people to the message of the cross. Hence forth, Mr Olsteen’s ministry has been dissolved the money has been used to buy bibles for Christians in North Korea and the rest donated anonymously to churches in Timbuktu and Kwazulu Natal (Africa). If he has defrauded any one he has requested that the person be re-paid four times the original value. Mr J. K Olsteen listed a number of former cronies and millionaire pastors and called them out to preach more about “sin, righteousness and judgement”.

Visitors to the pastor’s website were greeted by this Puritan poem prayer:

Lord Jesus, give me a deeper repentance, a horror of sin, a dread of its approach. Help me chastely to flee it and jealously to resolve that my heart shall be Thine alone.

Give me a deeper trust, that I may lose myself to find myself in Thee, the ground of my rest, the spring of my being. Give me a deeper knowledge of Thyself as saviour, master, lord, and king. Give me deeper power in private prayer, more sweetness in Thy Word, more steadfast grip on its truth. Give me deeper holiness in speech, thought, action, and let me not seek moral virtue apart from Thee.

Plough deep in me, great Lord, heavenly husbandman, that my being may be a tilled field, the roots of grace spreading far and wide, until Thou alone art seen in me, Thy beauty golden like summer harvest, Thy fruitfulness as autumn plenty.

I have no master but Thee, no law but Thy will, no delight but Thyself, no wealth but that Thou givest, no good but that Thou blessest, no peace but that Thou bestowest. I am nothing but that Thou makest me. I have nothing but that I receive from Thee. I can be nothing but that grace adorns me. Quarry me deep, dear Lord, and then fill me to overflowing with living water.    –The Deeps, A Puritan Prayer

Majors news outlets still cannot deny or confirm the validity of all these accounts. Some say this could just be a satirical prank. But could it be true? 🙂


Worship Leader Idol Auditions -2050

It was the year 2050. The office of pastor was now obsolete. Instead the most glamorous office of “worship leader” had taken over the leadership of the seeker sensitive church. This office was more in touch with the emotions of the people.  A few qualities were a MUST for this office:

  • You must be able to use a voice auto tuner.
  • You must be able to use dry ice and laser lights on stage  the pulpit and look cool.
  • You must be able to sustain a note while making an altar call (a tear in the eye is a bonus).

Theme song: We are here for you!

Now I can compete with prosperity preachers. See what I got!!! (satire)

If only I can paste this bit up there! 😉

HT. John K. Langemann via FB.

Church hand raising tips.

Oh Tim Hawkins! He just keeps coming up with these ideas! Here is a set of hand raising tips that you can use in church.

HT Wretched Radio …Read More!

Can I be Young, Restless, Reformed and Emergent? Duh!

Recently one little bird got himself in a spot of a bother with a couple of elders. 😉

…Read More!

Elephant Room 3 Gets First Speaker…

Looking at the auditions some one seems to have made it through with a unanimous approval.

Er, what a mess of the reformation but well who cares? We want higher ratings and more excitement. 😉

…Read More!

Dear Mark…(Satire)

When pastor Mark’s booklet on real marriage did not arrive in time even the grooms despaired of life itself. 😉

Grrr! 3D TV is out and old news! Hullo Ultra HD screens! Now we have to re-kit our church screens!

Just as I was wondering what I will be doing with all these hymn books that we hardly open, (thanks to the latest brand of rock guitars and beat boxes) guess what smacks me on my way off the stage? Ooops pulpit. In my never ending bid to keep up with other celebrity mega churches I have decided to cast caution and throw it into the wind. I am living it BIG…no BIGGER!! I want to rub shoulders with the relevant and up and coming of my generation. Ask me why? Well the word is ‘I am contextualising the gospel’. Shhh….it just means I want to be dead but appear cool. That is why when they announced recently that 3D screens are out and done with,  my heart sank as I ran to see my mentors. Did you hear that…

Stars such as Eliza Dusku, will.i.am and LL Cool J unveiled the latest technology at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show at the Las Vegas Convention Centre.

The show is the biggest event in the year’s technology calendar – attended by technology giants including Panasonic, Sony, Samsung and LG.

Tech companies were beating the drum for 3D with a little less enthusiasm than previous years – but instead, new ultra-slim OLED TVs and ‘Ultra HD’ sets offering four times the resolution of normal hi-def were on offer to tempt TV fans. …Read More!

How to misquote the Bible like a Guru (without blinking)!

I am currently reading a very interesting book, Scripture Twisting: 20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible by James W. Sire. Its actually not a guide to help you become a guru or Swami. Far from it. You see, “Jesus” is co-opted by almost every one who wants some one from the past to confirm their own vision of the ideal future. To Eastern –oriented religious groups, Jesus is an avatar – one of the may incarnations of the gods; to Christian Scientists, he is the great healer; to political revolutionaries he is the great liberator; to Spiritualists, he is a first rate medium; to one new consciousness philosopher, he is a prototype of a sorcerer who can restructure events in the world by mental exercise. It seems there is a “Jesus” for everyone.

One way in which almost any cult can have a claim to the Jesus of the bible is by misquoting scripture. For example:

Jess Stern in a book on Edgar Cayce quotes the following conversation he had with Eula Allen, one of Cayce’s followers. The topic was re-incarnation and Stearn suddenly thought of a problem:

A thought struck me. “Why, if people have lived other lives, don’t they remember anything from them?”

“But they do,” she said. “It’s just some times that they don’t remember that they are remembering. Jesus said, ‘I will bring all things to thine remembrance,’ but he didn’t say how.”

A number of errors are made here. First, this is not what Jesus said. Let us put the clause quoted into its immediate context. …Read More!

BLOG NAMES: Why “A Twisted Crown of Thorns”?

About two years ago I started a blog. I wrote mostly about issues that revolved around modern day Christianity. It scratched the itch in evangelicalism. It tackled theology and had a satirical twang to it at times. Okay most of the times. It took about a year to come up with a name for the blog.

Do you know how difficult it is to get a name for a blog? Hmm. I thought of cool names like “Elevation blog” or “Your best life now blog” or “Elephant in the blog” but I just thought I wouldn’t be able to live up to the hype. Or would I?

I will never be able to explain why I decided to call the blog Twisted Crown of Thorns and later A Twisted Crown of Thorns (as of 2012). I probably liked the irony in the name. In retrospect it almost sounds like a spoof rock and roll group band. It sounds dark … but light hearted. I have known of a few misguided wanderers who have adventurously stumbled onto the blog thinking it’s a Roman Catholic sacred relics collection website. Grrrr! …Read More!

The World’s Best Church®

The first lesson in successful marketing and entrepreneurship always underscores the fact that the customer is king. I have always told my self if I were to start a church it would be the world’s best church. It would be the  epitome of  tolerance and relevance. Who says the church cant  be geared towards increased attendances, happier people with numerous self sustaining projects and great reputation among the un-churched and still bring people closer to God? Then Read More

I Love Celebrity Pastors Like Ed Young!

Enough of all this banter against modern Christendom’s latest prodigal and most loved opulent brat. Ed Young Jr. is officially the most google-d and U-tubed Christian celebrity pastor. Gone are the boring days of being an obscure youth pastor left to follow up new converts and pray for toddlers who don’t finish their breakfast cereal in the church back garden. Gone are the days of watching re-runs of Veggie Tales and Tom and Jerry in Sunday school.

The other day he took a bold step in being the honest and transparent man of God that he has become and indulged viewers in a personal tour of his parsonage or is it vicarage. And look how many bloggers treated him as though he had invited Bin Laden to the White House. He had simply allowed a TV Crew to have a glimpse of his humble 10,000 square foot, $1.5 million estate. Read More

Woman upset by theater mix-up

By LarkNews.com

LANCASTER, Pa. — Maria Holsapple thought she was attending performances at the local community theater, but after twelve weeks, she was angered to learn she had been attending Oak Grove Center, a 3,000-member church.
“I would never willingly go into an evangelical church,” says Holsapple, a practicing Catholic.
She came after Oak Grove mailed her “tickets” to upcoming “drama presentations.” She enjoyed the “mini-concert, the play and the motivational speech they threw in at the end,” she says.
“It worked well as performance art,” she says. “I was convinced it was a groundbreaking new theater company.” Read More

Pastor irked by non cessationist animals exercising word of knowledge.

When Pastor Feve Sturtick took his church for a safari trip, he hadn’t anticipated that the ferocious non cessationist animals in the game reserve could name and claim. Well, it’s said that some even demonstrated the gift of word of knowledge (or did they?)

..Read More!

We had an audition for a new youth pastor and guess who won?

In our never ending bid to remain relevant we really had to get the right youth pastor. The qualities we were looking for were actually very simple. Young, restless and creative. Yup, we got our anointed man (though he has to work on his pony tail). 😉

Next we need an assistant youth pastor. …Read More!

The church club house that brought revival.

For your weekly dose of satire

…Read More!

What pets and house hold animals think of Christmas…

When we commercialise Christmas…

…Read More!

Christmas: Putting the star in its place!

I hope this reminds who ever it is that there is only ONE STAR (of Christmas)!

…Read More!

Dear Santa….

I would like to ask you a very personal question….

Duh! …Read More!

The curious case of the disappearing cross at the US Afghan military chapel.

US Military and Navy SEALs  are known for their subtle clinical finesse and thoroughness. But of late something has defeated their predatory prowess. Could it be that the enemy has outwitted them in their own front yard? Or could there be a rogue force within the camp pulling strings of infamy behind the curtains? You see…
A large cross that had been prominently displayed outside a chapel on an isolated military base in northern Afghanistan was taken down last week, prompting outrage from some American service members stationed there.
“We are here away from our families, and the chapel is the one place that feels like home,” a service member at Camp Marmal told POLITICO. “With the cross on the outside, it is a constant reminder for all of us that Jesus is here for us.”
“Not having it there is really upsetting,” added another. “I walk by the chapel daily on the way to chow and the gym, and seeing the cross is a daily reminder of my faith and what Jesus accomplished for me. It is daily inspiration and motivation for me to acknowledge my faith and stay on the right path.” …Read More!

The must have gadget for the purpose driven youth pastor.

Mesmerising! This is going to be the next must have gadget for every relevant and purpose driven youth pastor. Just imagine how many kids will remain entertained for hours.

…Read More!

Sister Martha Discovers Bible Chapter on Christian Liberty

I still remember the day sister Martha came for Sunday service in style. She had just started reading her bible that month and there was a twinkle in her eyes.

She said she had also been meditating on Paul’s advice to Timothy:

No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments. 1 Tim 5:23

I must add Martha was a literalist. She also has several ailments. …Read More!

The day Pastor Stevie became radical…

Stevie stopped praying for revival. Instead he decided he will make them happen. It all started on the day he was ordained. Oh what a happy day that was:

He became ….radical! …Read More!

Osteen Introduces Oprah to Jesus…Okay, Almost!

It’s never a dull Sunday when Osteen is in the pulpit. Infact every day feels like a Friday. If you come early and stretch your neck long enough you could catch a glimpse of (guess who?)… Yup. Oprah. If you have your bible autograph book handy you could actually get it autographed by Oprah or even Tyler Perry!   Oh can you see me in the video? (Hyperventilating) I am the one next to that guy high up in the rafters. (Grr some one stood infront of me when the camera panned over Oprah’s shoulder) Hey never mind atleast Joel introduced Oprah to Jesus. Okay, almost.  🙂

Paul Paraphrased For The “Me-Centered” Church

Finally a bible version that I actually like (not in the Facebook kind of way). No, I like it with my tongue in cheek. (Add a wink here)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever things are generally acceptable, whatever is tactful, whatever things show sensitivity, whatever things make you feel good, whatever things are sensuous, whatever things are personally satisfying; if there is to be any ownership, and if there is any good self-esteem, think happy thoughts on these things.

Do the things that you have felt, and realized and experienced and justified within yourself: and the god of touchy-feely happycrap shall warm your tolerant, sensitive, enlightened soul with wonderful ignorant bliss. …Read More!

Socialism: It is as simple as this…

HT Stan McCullars via Facebook.

The Marked up, Highlighted and Circled Bible.

Some people believe there should be a state of ceremonial purity when touching a holy book. A man or woman must take a ritual shower or bath to attain a heightened level of righteousness before he even glimpses into the written mind of God as it were. Christians on the other hand come in two categories. Those who love their bibles and those who really love their bibles. Today I will dwell on the eccentric latter.

“A bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” -Charles Spurgeon

They are called Bible markers! Are you one of them? …Read More!

One good reason why hearing the Shepherd’s voice is hard.

HT Jim McMaster via Facebook

If only I could defeat Calvinism.

Here is a humorous video (with awesome royal marching music in the background) illustrating a number classic errors that are frequently used by opponents of Calvinism.

HT Turretin Fan

We got a new youth pastor! He ticks all the boxes! Check him out! (Satire)

Who would believe it? Just exegete this slo-mo walk as he practices to walk on stage to the pulpit on sunday. 😉

HT J. Taylor via Facebook

Wrong ways of getting purpose driven ideas for Sunday’s sermon.



Best Rapture Caption Ever?

Just a humorous picture I came across. I know it will get both Premillennialists and Amillennialists doubled over in stitches…and some Post Millennialists and Preterists too.( Okay plus partial Preterists as well…but not Atheists)  🙂 Read More

How to become a Christian Hipster (Satire).

An instructional video at last:

PS: No animals were harmed in the making of this product. (One’s gotta add a disclaimer on every video so as to appear relevant and green) 🙂

And the church bowed to pressure from Facebook that year…

What do you know?

For Once I Agree with the Emergents. Don’t You?

Finally I agree…and I see their view point. Don’t you?
[HT Chad Hunt via Facebook]

The “slightly dead” in trespasses Arminian brother.

After a thorough examination by Arminian church officials, Bob was found to be only “slightly dead” in trespasses and sins.
[HT Reformed Gene via Facebook]

Yo, Worship the King?

On a lighter note: In fear of losing his job to a contemporary praise band, church organist Ernest Cleghorn wowed the congregation with his hip hop rendition of “Yo, Worship the King”.

I sure would love to hear him do the Hip hop version of  “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”. Wouldn’t ya? 😉

[HT Reformed Gene via Facebook]

I Claim it! I Claim it! And I Claim an iPhone 4S!

Okay if God really loves me He is just going to…no He must give me what I want! And I want THAT iPhone 4S! It’s voice controlled, I can talk to it and ask it tomorrow’s weather.  You talk to it and it does all you want it to do. It has an eight-megapixel camera. Surely if God loves me (like he loves David Cameron and Obama who also have iPhones) he will let me throw my teeny weeny good for nothing old phone that I have to press to my wonky ears even when I am walking to church -and get me this i-Phone 4S. Only that…

Life would be so much simpler if they invented an app to save you queuing for a new iPhone. But yesterday the only way the world’s techno-hungry masses could guarantee being among the first to own the latest toy from Apple was to stand in line.

And so, in extraordinary scenes that bordered on iMania, hundreds of thousands of gadget-worshippers laid siege to Apple stores across the country and around the globe to get their hands on the iPhone 4S. Many camped out and queued for more than 24 hours. One emerged joyfully from the store in Covent Garden after doorstepping it for ten days and nights. At the nearby flagship Regent Street branch, more than 1,000 snaked around crush barriers and police were called to marshal the crowd. Read more of this post

Job Opening: Pastor with a great sense of Humor

In the age we live in, nobody is going to care about how much ‘bible’ the speaker knows. They are going to relate to how funny his stories are we say. That’s why a good sense of humor is kind of like the new ‘doctrine’. It’s kindda what your church falls or stands on, right?

[HT Old Truth]

Worst Excuse for Attending a Mega Church…

Uh, every body goes there!

6 Guaranteed Methods for Starting a “Mega -Church” or Get Your Money Back!

Well, well, well. I would have loved to have come up with these patented methods but some body beat me to them. But I was close though. 😉 So, do you….

Image is everything...Try 3-D!

Want to be in a Mega-Church? Want to start one? Want to know how to function like a Mega-Church? Here are 666 ways. (Ooops my 6 key stuck, sorry, I meant: 6 ways.)

1. Insist on a lack of specificity. Can we be honest here? The more specific you are with doctrine, the more detailed your statement of faith – the more likely you will make some uncomfortable or confused. Solution? Be very VERY general. For instance, under “Beliefs” use a small list. Maybe four items. (1) We believe in God (2) We love Jesus (3) People are important (4) We have no expectations. Now I ask you, how can you lose with that? That would barely offend an ACLU lawyer.

2. Sing a LOT of songs and have talented, professional quality musicians and singers. Sing a LOT of songs. Don’t sing the old dirge hymns, sing things that are peppy and fast. Sing a LOT of songs. Don’t emphasize doctrinal content like the old hymns, make the songs subjective. …Read More!

How Not to Prepare a Sermon. Ever!

Sadly, I fear this is how some preachers prepare sermons.

[HT Rick Ianniello]

Dear God, can I get that Lamborghini…for our church?

If you are given to health, wealth and prosperity gospel making dubious prayers then I have one more request for you. Name and claim this now! Don’t look at the picture of the world’s first super bus. It’s been made to grace the speed of a Lamborghini but embrace the soft and finer comforts of a luxury jet. It could make a good means of transport to go on state banquets missions and show off to other celebrities “to preach the gospel” if you are a millionaire televangelist. For other earthlings and lesser mortals, who want to know more …

You might be waiting a while for one of these to pull up at the local bus stop. This is the world’s first super bus, crafted with state-of-the-art materials which seats 23 passengers and had a top speed of 155mph (250km/h).

Developed in Holland by an astronaut and a former Formula One aerodynamics expert, the midnight-blue, electric-powered vehicle costs £7 million and was flown to the United Arab Emirates where it will be used by a sheikh.

The high-tech bus means he will be able to complete the 75-mile commute from Dubai to neighbouring Abu Dhabi in under 30 minutes.

Made of lightweight materials including aluminium, carbon fibre, fibreglass and polycarbonate, it is 49ft long (15 metres), 8ft wide (2.5 metres) and 5ft 5in high (1.65 metres). …Read More!

Best (Descriptive) Witness Clip Ever!

There are conversations in the Bible that are so entertaining. The first that comes to mind is the conversation that takes place on the road to Emmaus.

As they (two disciples) talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.  He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” Luke 24:15-17

I can imagine how this guy would have described the death, burial and resurrection of Christ if he was on that road to Emmaus too. Watch this:

He would make a good witness, huh? 😉

Spontaneous Baptisms: Why I like Steven Furtick!

Every generation has its wild eyed enthusiast who grabs hold of the coat tails of a principle and swings the tides of history. Wow! Can I ever stop blushing after hearing what Steven Furtick has ushered into evangelicalism? Yup, even Charles Finney would not have come up with such an ingenius idea. The best Finney did was to leave us with introduction of altar calls. (Okay yes, plus crumbs in decisional regeneration in his classic sermon “Sinners bound to change their own hearts”). But this goes even further. Spontaneous baptisms! My jaw dropped down to my ankles in amazement when I read that

At Elevation Church in the summer of 2011, we saw one of the most audacious acts in the history of this church.

We believe in baptism at Elevation Church, and we believe every person who has made a decision to follow Christ should be baptized. And to give as many people the opportunity to get baptized, we decided to spontaneously baptize people. We provided an opportunity to get baptized… on the spot.

We baptized 2,158 people over 2 weekends. It was unbelievable. It was audacious.

If you’d like to find out more of what we did to make the baptisms a success, we’ve made everything available to you to download for free right here.[Editor: Link removed by a hater! Possibly a Calvinist!] …Read More!

Pack ’em to the Rafters: Here comes the i-Pew or Bunk Pew!

Hooray! Hooray! It’s here! The ultimate pew is out now!

Terms and conditions: A word of caution to you sleepy heads and …Read More!

That NASA Satellite You Didn’t See!

On lighter note: What are the odds that a falling satellite will kill you?  Probably zero — but your car may not be safe. Lol.

Listening to a pastor being Interviewed (Satire)

With the tongue firmly planted in cheek…

The Interview (Satire)A group of church elders (all in their 20s) interviewed a candidate for senior pastor. They asked about the experience of the man who replied that he had 30 years of expositional Bible teaching experience and that many had been saved & discipled under his watchcare. Yawning, the chair of the elders replied, “Look Dude, that’s sort of impressive and all but here at Elevation Station (formerly Calvary Baptist before converting to Emergent) it’s all about the beer, the bling, and the Bon Jovi. …Read More!

Help! I Think My Wife’s A Calvinist!

On a lighter note: Don’t adjust your screen – its just an oldie but a goodie!

For some reason my wife likes humming to this song. 😉

Guns ‘n Tulips (Satire)

On a lighter note: I almost did a Eutychus through my window in laughter when I saw this. Lol 🙂
Meet the latest in Calvinist garage-style church praise bands:  Guns ‘n TULIPs             Welcome to the jungle…

[HT Truthinator’s Blog]

The Pastor, The Vicar And The Atheist

On a lighter note:

One day a Pastor, a Vicar and an Atheist go on a fishing trip together. They are in the boat and the Pastor says,” Oh! No! I left the paddles on shore!” So he proceeds to get out of the boat and walk on the water to the shore to get them. Once he had gotten back into the boat the Vicar says,” Oh! No! I left the bait on shore too!” And like the Pastor the Vicer exits the boat and walks on the water to get the bait. When the Vicar climbs back into the boat the atheist yells,” Well if you guys can do it so can I!!!” and proceeds to climb out of the boat, but he falls into the water. At this piont the Pastor says,” Do you think we should have told him where the rocks are?”

Emergents: The Dog That Just Wont Bark.

I have always thought, why don’t emergents become clear and state what they mean and mean what they say.
  • For all their talk about community, Emergents are too individualistic to hang together.
  • For all their talk about conversation, Emergents mainly just like to hear themselves prattle.
  • For all their talk about humility, Emergents begin with an incorrigibly arrogant worldview.  
Then I realized they are just like that dog (on helium) that just wont bark…

Excerpt from Why the Emergent Movement Keeps Stalling [HT Phil Johnson]

13 Signs Your Sermon is NOT Going Well…

Couldn’t help chuckling over this list by Mike Wittmer about signs your sermon is not going well…

13.  Your associate pastor is warming up in the bullpen.

12.  The praise band begins playing you off the stage. …Read More!

The Gospel: Are We Clearly Missional or Clearly on A Mission?

There is some times a rather lax and laid back mood in some evangelical circles as to how to clearly preach or present the gospel. “Preach the gospel, if necessary use words,” they shout. Some say we should be “missional” (read doing several lovely things i.e social justice, poverty eradication) and they have altogether dropped the word “missions”. I think we as Christians should never forget that we have been commanded to preach the gospel -for it alone is the power of God unto salvation.

Imagine the embarrassment that comes when your impressed neighbour eventually asks you, “so lovely, hard working christian missional guy who has for the last twenty years mowed my lawn, washed my cat, given my poodle a pedicure; what is the hope that lies in thee?”  And we stare back blankly; barely remembering why we even started such generous endevours. There is value (if we are evangelical) in being clear in our mission as well as our communication  – as this clip (though satirical) demonstrates:

“If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for.” ~Charles H. Spurgeon …Read More!

The Ever Changing Hermeneutics of The “Stop” Sign.

It seems I am the last one to always discover interesting bits on the net. Like this one…a little parable about hermeueutics, the art of interpretation (especially biblical interpretation), applied to a “Stop” sign:

Moroccan Stop Sign

1. A postmodernist deconstructs the sign by knocking it over with his car, and thus ends the tyranny of the north-south traffic over the east-west traffic.

2. The Marxist refuses to stop because she sees the stop sign as an instrument of class conflict, since the bourgeois use the north-south route and obstruct the proletariat moving east-west.

3. A serious and educated Catholic rolls through the intersection because he believes he cannot understand the stop sign apart from its interpretive community and tradition. Observing that the interpretive community doesn’t take it too seriously, he doesn’t feel obligated to take it too seriously either.

4. Average Catholics and mainline denominationalists don’t bother to read the sign but will stop if the car in front does. …There’s More!

Calvin Notches 52nd Best Dressed Man of All Time.

On a lighter note, apparently John Calvin is being remembered for being the 52nd best dressed man of all time. Or so they think.

Because the most famous minimalist in world history knew a man didn’t need expensive clothes or bright colors to convey authority. Black and white, worn with the requisite gravity, can be powerful and intimidating. Just look at the Secret Service. Or the Reservoir Dogs. ~MSN


Of course always take what ever fame and glory the world offers with a good pinch of salt.

A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet. [Prov 29:5] Read More

Prosperity Gospel Breaking News: Well We Now Have The Electronic Tithe ATM Booth!

New ideas are not usually bad. But in the wrong hands they can cause immense misery and defraud many innocent people. Just imagine a machine like in the wrong hands. Yes, thats my concern…

Open Air Preaching: Can I Get a Segway For Ray Comfort?

There are several people who have impacted my life in different ways. God has brought me to listen to very insightful teachings that have shaped me and are continually reforming my personal life in ways I probably cannot illustrate. One or two years ago I was searching for tracts online and I landed on a sermon that has always been an inspiration to me. Hell’s Best Secret by Ray Comfort is akin to Keith Green’s classic song Alseep in the Light-once you listen to them they continue to replay in your mind. They are evangelistic anthems so to speak. If you have ever listened to this sermon, you will agree with me it should be broadcast loud and clear, down every byway and highway, every church yard and barn yard needs to resound with this message. Maybe I should get him a Segway for open airpreaching…or well maybe standing on a good old salt box will just do all the same 😉 [The Transcript: Hell’s Best Kept Secret] Read More

When Another Televangelist Laughs his way to The Bank

Deception has been one of the oldest games since Eve fell foul in the garden of Eden. The most immediate reaction is usually why didn’t God step in at that moment and in one blaze of purple and blue smoking lightning zap the fruit and serpent into an ashen crisp or vapour? Why didn’t God realize that the serpent would be slithering his way into the garden sooner or later? Then how about in the modern day church, why are there heretics with wacky theology thriving in pulpits and on Christian television? Why do they seem to have larger followings, draw higher ratings and yet they seem to be delving in utter rank deception? Where is God when another false teacher or prophet panders his way through the pockets of innocent people? Well, thanks for asking. I came a cross an excerpt from A.W Pink that may perchance shed some light on what scripture says: Read More

Wiki Leaks May be Good for The church

Tough week as the weather regurgitated almost all the snow it had in its innards. And so did Wiki leaks threaten to unleash all the alleged secret thoughts and prejudices that the Washington administration forgot to mark as ‘classified’. It was reminiscent of goo-covered Jonah being spat from the belly of a fish -sea weed and all onto the shores of Nineveh. There is always that naked emptiness when our inner thoughts are laid bare and put to the scrutiny of a moral code. A feeling, ironically that, we have been wronged by the act itself however noble the intended purpose. Read More

Church of England Blunder: 1 Million Now Have Invalid Marriages

I was rudely awoken this morning by my wife. It being Thanksgiving in America this week I thought we mere mortals in the rest of the world would at least get a wink of sleep and tranquillity as America feasted on stuffed turkey. Not so. Well, my  beautiful wife showed me this headline article that suggests that apparently over one million husbands and wives in England should now head once again up or rather down the aisle to repeat their marriage vows. Yeah, exciting stuff. But why? Was God asleep when they were married and joined in Holy matrimony before Him? No, apparently Church of England vicars have not been choosing their words right for the last thirty years: Read More