A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

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Tag Archives: Bible Study

Putting a Boom Shakalaka in Acts 2!

Truthinator has been going through the book of Acts. And sure enough he reached Acts 2 and made a discovery.  Oh did he?! Well, you see there was a ….

Boom-shakalaka  boom-shakalaka … Many of you have heard similar sounds to this from people saying they are speaking in tongues. But are they? Look at scripture. The disciples were gathered together and a rush of sound like the sound of wind entered the room. Something like divided tongues of fire rested upon each disciple. Each was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues (languages) as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The fire was not literal fire as we usually think of fire but God-sent visual signs that His power was active in that place. This was not the first time God had used fire to indicate His presence. …Read More!

Encouraging news: Church planting in Lyon France

An App that lets you whizz through the Bible in 60 secs (Or get your money back)!?

download appIn the modern world we live in we like quick fixes. Microwave ovens, fast food restaurants, instant coffee and the list goes on. And so you have come to this post expecting to get a quick bible fix too. No?

Well I would like you to consider a bible study method that lets you understand a text of scripture and study the word of God with enthusiasm. It lets you mine deep rather than skim on the surface. Below is a mid week (actually week two session) of an Inductive Bible study session. If you love it have a look at session one. Its all free!

Sorry there’s no substitute for studying and whizzing thru the bible in 60 seconds sounds more of just a tick box exercise to make yourself feel good. …Read More!

Don’t bring that ‘Harlem Shake’ to my church!

paul in athensThe three month itch is back and most fad driven churches are buzzing with the latest fad in town. The rumor is if you do this (enter name of which ever church marketing strategy  you fancy  Gangnam style, Harlem Shake e.t.c), people will like your church or if you do that you will be considered a ‘relevant’ church. So every three months or less you will find all these self styled church growth gurus keeping a hand on the pulse of culture so as to keep the church looking trendy. The fads just keep coming and today it’s the ‘Harlem shake’ (see video clip below)! With all this craziness going on in church (just like when Kundalini and Slaying in the Spirit was a fad) there’s hardly any time for Bible study and hey don’t even speak about having reverence for the Lord or his house. …Read More!

Softening the Truth to Accomodate Prevailing Taste?

“The Bible is the grand repository … It is the complete system of divine truth, to which nothing can be added, and from which nothing can be taken, with impunity. Every attempt to disguise or soften any branch of this truth, in order to accommodate it to the prevailing taste around us, either to avoid the displeasure, or to court the favour, of our fellow mortals, must be an affront to the majesty of God, and an act of treachery to men.” — John Newton

HT Sacred Sandwich via FB

So, what does this Bible verse mean to you?

This video clip covers a very important subject, the interpretation of Scripture. If we were to say that God’s word can mean different things, then the word of God doesn’t mean anything at all. The problem here is that relativism was creeping into the Bible study. Matt Slick also says something interesting:

The danger in this is that if taken to its logical extreme, verses could mean anything we wanted them to mean. With no absolutes to draw from, apostasy would begin to creep in. For example, I am reminded of how some major denominations are actually putting millions of dollars into studying the issue of homosexuality to determine to what extent people can be held responsible for this sin… if they determined that it is a sin at all! This, of course, leads down the road apostasy and needs to be stopped.

So I ask you. When you study God’s word devotionally, or otherwise, do you hope to find what it actually means so you can subject yourself to what it says, or do you try and find a meaning for Scripture that suits your needs, your feelings, and your desires? …Read More!

My only Comfort in life and death…


Studying The Heidelberg Catechism has helped me come to understand the Sovereignty of God. First published in 1563, this is a document of the Reformed Christian faith which is used by many churches. Many people especially if you are like me (from a Word of Faith and Charismatic background with bits and pieces of gleaned aberrant theology) come to find a lot of theological depth in the different questions and answers with scriptural references in this Reformed document. I for one would get worried that the devil would ‘make me backslide’ or come against me on a vengeance trip and cause me to fearfully ‘lose my salvation’. What if a generational curse pursued me all my life and couldn’t be broken by my pastor? What if I didn’t tithe enough or sow enough seed to guarantee a good standing with Jesus? What if…what if …what if? However starting with the first question of this Catechism one comes to learn the depth of the riches of the grace of God. I have come to learn that my comfort in life and death has a lot more to do with Jesus to whom I belong. Oh how comforting! How very comforting? One good study guide that I would recommend on The Heidelberg Catechism is this one by G.I Williamson. It has numerous scripture references and is well structured for either individual or family study. Now, the very first question of the Catechism causes me to smile with confidence not in myself or my ability but in my God and faithful Savior.

Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?

A. That I am not my Own,

but belong body and soul, in life and in death-

to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood,

and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil.

He also watches over me in such a way

that not a hair can fall from my head

without the will of my Father in heaven:

in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.

Read more of this post

6 Ways to Grow in Sound Doctrine



In the world we live in there is a never ending battle for the hearts and minds of people. There are countless ideologies and teachings that are relentlessly vying to capture our imaginations and thoughts. As Christians we must guard the deposit of the gospel that has been put in us by growing in sound doctrine. Here are 6 humble tips (of course you could add a few more to these):

1) Give heed to the preached Word. Listen attentively as your pastor expounds God’s Word each week. Discuss the sermon afterward with friends and family.

2) Study the Scriptures diligently. Aim for breadth and depth. That is, read through all of Scripture in order to see the big picture. But also, study smaller portions such as individual books, in the most detail you can manage. Read them over and over again. Meditate on them. Memorize them. Gaining a broad and deep grasp of Scripture is the most important way to grow in the knowledge of God.

3) Read good books. …Read More!

What does that Bible verse mean to you?

You have probably heard that question before. Brace yourself…

Avoid superficial interpretation. One of the common problems in interpreting the Bible is this little phrase, “This verse means to me….” so forth and so forth and so forth. Let me tell you something. It doesn’t matter what it means to you, the question is what would it mean if you weren’t alive? What would it mean if you didn’t exist? What does it mean PERIOD is the issue, not what does it mean to you. Sometimes you’ll hear people get together and supposedly have a Bible study which is little-more than a pooling of ignorance. People say, “Well, I look at this verse and I feel this verse is saying…
It doesn’t matter what you feel. That has nothing to do with it.
It’s not a matter of how you feel about the verse, it’s not a matter of what you think it means to you. Avoid ad-libbing in Bible interpretation. …Read More!

Another reason why you need the new iBible

Well on a lighter note….the iBible is out! 😉

I guess the book of “Levitations” must be interesting. Er…..I meant the virtual game. …Read More!

Is There A Problem With Cell Groups Again?

The concept of growth groups, connect groups, care groups, life groups, fellowship groups, small groups and home groups seems to have sprung out of good intentions as Christians wanted to know their Bible more and have fellowship in small groups meeting either in homes or some times small itinerant settings. The concept seems to have caught on in many evangelical settings. But is there a problem with this concept so far?

Robert Truelove recently made an interesting observation (with recommendations too) …

I’ve recently attended a few cell groups from other churches in my area. This experience has reminded me why these cell groups are typically a bad idea.  Don’t get me wrong, the social and relational aspects of a cell group are important and beneficial in the lives of many churches. When I say that cell groups are typically a bad idea, I am referring to they way we typically see Bible study done in these groups. …Read More!