A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

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God’s Sovereignty in predestination by Augustus Toplady

When I consider the absolute independency of God, and the necessary total dependence of all created things on Him, their first cause, I cannot help standing astonished at the pride of impotent, degenerate man, who is so prone to consider himself as a being possessed of sovereign freedom, and invested with a power of self-salvation, able, he imagines, to counteract the designs even of infinite wisdom, and to defeat the agency of Omnipotence itself…

And yet, because it so exactly coincides with the natural haughtiness of the human heart, men not only admit, but even relish the deception, and fondly incline to believe that the father of lies does, in this instance at least, speak truth. The Scripture doctrine of predetermination lays the axe to the very root of this potent delusion. It assures us that all things are of God; that all our times and all events are in His hand. ~ Augustus Toplady

HT Test all Things.

One response to “God’s Sovereignty in predestination by Augustus Toplady

  1. Emil May 3, 2012 at 02:06

    So, God is not really a God of love. But one who chooses some for heaven and some for conscious punishment—both groups having nothing to do with the choice. Surely those believing in grace, not works, must seek some additional truth to make this fit together. What is that?

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