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Tag Archives: Street Evangelism

13 Signs You Could Be A Christian Nomad

My favourite law enforcer and (yes) street evangelist has a very interesting post on a common finding these days -Christian nomadism….(I love sign number 7)

Nomadism is a growing problem within the Body of Christ and has infected the biblical evangelism community. Nomadism is a serious problem among not only young and immature believers, but also older more mature believers, and as well as some who are well-known in the biblical evangelism community.

The following list of symptoms is in no way whatsoever intended to be a tongue-in-cheek or flippant offering. Nothing about this subject is a laughing matter. The list first appeared on Twitter and some have asked me to compile the list in the form of a blog article.  So, here it is. …Read More!

79 year old still gives out Bibles despite crippling illness

79 Year old man, with many health problems, handing out Gideon New Testaments on the campus of a local University.

Evangelisim: What’s my excuse?

Photo HT via FB.