A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

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Has A Kundalini Spirit Infiltrated Christianity?

By Patrick Ersig

I have been looking at the possibility that a Kundalini spirit, possibly the main or head spirit, has masked itself as Christian and infiltrated many charismatic circles and (was) in full operation down in Florida and has worked in past in Toronto and Brownsville. Here is a compilation of some of my findings – I think the similarities are more than coincidence – what do you think?

Serpent Power of the Awakening Kundalini:

In Hinduism there are several forms of yoga (yoking) which all have the goal of giving the practitioner cosmic consciousness and unity with God. [The origins of Kundalini Yoga (sometimes called Raja or roya Yoga) come from the form of Hinduism known as Kashmir Shavism. This form of yoga comes from the Kashmir region of India and the god these Hindus worship is Shiva. Shiva was the Hindu god represented in the movie “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.”

Hindu depiction Of A Chakra:

Wheel of spinning Energy – Kundalini Yoga “the serpent power.”

Sanskrit kund, “to burn”; kunda, “to coil or to spiral”: a concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic invisible energy absolutely vital to life; beginning in the base of the spine as a man or woman begins to evolve in their first incarnation; fed by the chakras along the spine and by the cosmic energy entering through the feet from the earth; as wisdom is earned in each incarnation, this electromagnetic, ultrapotent energy moves slowly upward through the spine; Kundalini is feminine polarity in nature. Sim. (Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary, June G. Beltzer, Ph.D., p. 343).

1.  Kundalini in English means “the serpent power.” It is the common Hindu belief that within each person resides a “serpent” coiled tightly up at the base of the spine. Through practicing Kundalini yoga, along with chanting, mediation, and an impartation from the guru one can have their Kundalini Awakened. Kundalini Yoga is the “power yoga” of Hinduism. It is the pathway to supernatural power and godhood. Kundalini Yoga can also lead to mental collapse, psychosis, and demon possession or oppression.

2.  “Asian cultures have used these teachings of the Chakra System for about 4,000 years and it’s only the last approx. 10 years that this information has filtered into the west. Chakra literally translated from the Hindi means ‘Wheel of spinning Energy’. Within our bodies are contained seven major energy centres. They are located within the body in front of the spinal column and are aligned vertically up and down the spine. Each wheel has a colour of the rainbow and vibrates to a musical note… .” (Inner Star Magazine)

3.  Kundalini is at least 1000 years old occult practice. It involves bodily manifestations as a consequence for the “awakening of an individual’s Kundalini” and is related to, for example, Qigong (a Chinese occultic tradition).

4. Kundalini energy is typically described as a powerful energy source lying dormant in the form of a coiled serpent at the base of the human spine. When freed it reputedly has the capacity to effect great physical healings. Christina and Stanislov Grof, New Age authors of the book “The Stormy Search for the Self,” describe how the awakening of Kundalini energy can be triggered by an advanced spiritual teacher or guru. And how the awakening can bring up memories of past psychological traumas. The Grofs state that “individuals involved in this process might find it difficult to control their behavior; during power rushes of Kundalini energy, they often emit various involuntary sounds, and their bodies move in strange and unexpected patterns. Among the most common manifestations … are unmotivated and unnatural laughter or crying, talking tongues … and imitating a variety of animal sounds and movements” (p. 78-79). The Grofs state that “careful study of the manifestations of Kundalini awakening confirm that this process, although sometimes very intense and shattering, is essentially healing” (citing Warren Smith by permission in an article for Spiritual Counterfeits Project entitled “HOLY LAUGHTER or Strong Delusion” (Fall, 1994, Vol. 19.2), p. 14).

Some Kundalini Examples compared to the Lakeland Flordia Healing Revival

Sri Ramakrishna, [1836-1886] represents the very core of the spiritual realizations of the seers and sages of India. “He daily went into ’samahdi,’ a trance in which one involuntarily falls down unconscious and enters a rapturous state of super-conscious bliss (ananda), complete with beautiful visions and often involving astral projection. These states could last anywhere from a few minutes to several days and were often accompanied by uncontrollable laughter or weeping. He could send others into this state with a single touch to the head or chest” (unpublished article by John Rice on file at SPIRITUAL COUNTERFEITS PROJECT), (citing Warren Smith by permission in an article for Spiritual Counterfeits Project entitled “HOLY LAUGHTER or Strong Delusion”, Fall, 1994, Vol. 19.2)

Manifestation of Sri Ramakrishna Kundalini vs. Manifestation of Florida Healing Revival

Watch this Comparison

1. Involuntarily falls down unconscious and enters a rapturous state of super-conscious bliss – SAME AS FLORIDA HEALING REVIVAL

2. Beautiful visions and often involving astral projection – SAME AS FLORIDA HEALING REVIVAL

3. Accompanied by uncontrollable laughter or weeping – SAME AS FLORIDA HEALING REVIVAL

4. He could send others into this state with a single touch to the head or chest” – SAME AS FLORIDA HEALING REVIVAL.

Christians that have flocked in their thousands to Toronto, Brownsville and Lakeland, do not seem to realize that the manifestations at these places are not a “New Move of God,” but in fact, as highlighted in the ‘Kundalini Spirit’ article, have existed for hundreds of years.

Todd Bentley, John Arnott, Rick Joyner and Rodney Howard Browne et al, think they are running with the “New Fire” whilst running across stage, into the crowd, yelling “Bam” and “Fire,”


  • For hundreds years gurus have operated with gifts of healing, miracles, gifts of knowledge and intense displays of spiritual consciousness.
  • For hundreds of years they have connected with a cosmic power which, though demonic in origin, is very real.
  • For hundreds of years devotees have gone forward to receive spiritual experience (Darshan) from a touch by the open palm of the hand, often to the forehead, by the guru in what is known as the Shakti Pat or divine touch.
  • For hundreds of years, as a result of the Shakti Pat, these devotees have had a raising of the spiritual experience also called raising Kundalini……
  • For hundreds of years the manifestations of an awakened kundalini among people of other religions has been exactly the same as the results of being ‘Slain in The Spirit’ in these so called (Holy Laughter) “Revival” meetings.

Test the Spirits — Test all Things

1 Thessalonians 5:21 instructs us to “test [prove] all things”

Read the rest of the article here.

12 responses to “Has A Kundalini Spirit Infiltrated Christianity?

  1. Pingback: Don’t bring that ‘Harlem Shake’ to my church! « A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

  2. theocentricthoughts October 10, 2011 at 18:45

    It’s just that our culture is obsessed with feelings and experiences. If doing something can bring about a special euphoria, people will flock to it fast. Compare this with the Hillsong churches…They are known for their music, not preaching from God’s word. If we let our experiences dictate truth then everybody should convert to Hinduism because it has been purported experimentally to be the highest they come.

  3. Alondra January 7, 2011 at 17:43

    Yes I think anyone who actually reads their bible would instantly recongize this is not of God. Some ppl must be so desperate for an “exeriance” they will participate in this stuff, it is so dangerous and completely of the devil

    • michael January 7, 2011 at 17:53

      When people begin to seek experiences and inspiration out of the inspired word of God they will always find something out there to occupy them and lead them into deeper mysticism. Thank you Alondra.

  4. Pingback: The Dangers, Results, and History of Decisional Regeneration | Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

  5. Acidri's Blog® August 31, 2010 at 17:15

    Just updated the video link to this post.

  6. AAA Jack June 29, 2010 at 01:57

    Rev.6:2, the white horse rider has been released to conquer through deception. Matt.24: spiritual deception (and dark religion) is the first sign of end times. Dan.8:23-25 “He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule”. Frightening prophecy coming to pass. Pray that the Holy Spirit pours out as prophesied in Isaiah and Joel (as evidenced in Acts) so that the real gifts are manifested in many, especially the Gift of revelations (word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits as promised in 1 Cor.12).

  7. Paul June 25, 2010 at 05:33

    You shall know a tree by its fruits. When these brothers and sisters wake up from these experiences do they portray a changed person ? for it is not possible ot be in God’s presence and remain the same you came in (take Moses example for instance; his countenance did not remain the same).

    Secondly, It is also written that satan and his demons can also portray themselves as angels of light.

    Therefore in some cases satan’s works could come very close to almost resemble the works of God.

    I would not be quick to judge.

    • Acidri June 25, 2010 at 11:39

      Thank you Paul.Experiences and feelings do not affirm sound doctrine. I can come out of a purely demonic rock concert or even dance to a Christian Pop tune and feel elated and deliriously fullfilled but still be far from God. Fidelity to the The word and sound Biblical doctrine should be a bench mark.The trend we see in the Bible is that the easierit is to move away from the gospel and scriptures the easier it is to delve into subtle error and eventually full blown deception and apostasy. I guess what this article is highlighting is that if hindus and cultists are experiencing the same esoteric phenomenon as some christians then could it not be the same spirit afterall some of these practices are not part of traditional biblical doctrine. Are we still preaching and teaching about sin, righteousness and judgement?But how will people listen if they go to church and pass out and have altered state of consciouness during the preaching of the Word? Are we still preaching that salvation is only by repentance and faith alone and Jesus alone?Why should we then emphasize an additional “annointing” of being slain or receiving a euphoric experience?

  8. kathy June 24, 2010 at 21:29

    I have often said it was indeed a spirit there – but not the Holy Spirit… They are “familiar” ones, no doubt.

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