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Tag Archives: acts

Putting a Boom Shakalaka in Acts 2!

Truthinator has been going through the book of Acts. And sure enough he reached Acts 2 and made a discovery.  Oh did he?! Well, you see there was a ….

Boom-shakalaka  boom-shakalaka … Many of you have heard similar sounds to this from people saying they are speaking in tongues. But are they? Look at scripture. The disciples were gathered together and a rush of sound like the sound of wind entered the room. Something like divided tongues of fire rested upon each disciple. Each was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues (languages) as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The fire was not literal fire as we usually think of fire but God-sent visual signs that His power was active in that place. This was not the first time God had used fire to indicate His presence. …Read More!