A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

Reformed. Christianity. Evangelism. Modern Culture.

Pastors as Shepherds or ‘Culture’ Trend Setters?

john-macarthurPastors are supposed to be under-shepherds of Christ. Too many modern preachers are so bent on understanding the culture that they develop the mind of the culture and not the mind of Christ. They start to think like the world, and not like the Savior. Frankly, the nuances of worldly culture are virtually irrelevant to me. I want to know the mind of Christ and bring that to bear on the culture, no matter what culture I may be ministering to. If I’m going to stand up in a pulpit and be a representative of Jesus Christ, I want to know how He thinks—and that must be my message to His people too. The only way to know and proclaim the mind of Christ is by being faithful to study and preach His Word. What happens to preachers who obsess about cultural “relevancy” is that they become worldly, not godly.”- John MacArthur


5 responses to “Pastors as Shepherds or ‘Culture’ Trend Setters?

  1. Pingback: Culturally relevant or ashamed of the Gospel? - Stand Up For The Truth

  2. Pingback: Clarity or confusion? Leaders have a choice to make - Stand Up For The Truth

  3. Pingback: Shepherd Your People | YOU DECIDE

  4. Pingback: “She did a good work…” | The Missions Depot Courier

  5. Ressurrection March 10, 2013 at 22:05

    This quote has preached a whole sermon right here. Thank you.

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