A Twisted Crown of Thorns ®

Reformed. Christianity. Evangelism. Modern Culture.

The missionary’s wife and the “Veggie tale”!

M and J were a missionary couple who were working in Uganda. (Story was first posted in Feb 2013) Every week they sent updates on their progress with evangelism in the community or the growth of the local church and new orphanage that they are setting up. Some times there were moments of deep heart ache (especially when the gospel was rejected) but nothing  lightened up my heart with a good old laugh than this particular week’s ‘veggie tale’. Apparently not every thing that is green and leafy is lettuce:

marijuana-bag-1209The Mistake –  (J writing)  While at the trading center on Saturday, I saw two ladies sitting on the veranda of a little restaurant with bags of green leaves for sale.  The leaves were a lovely shade of green, and I thought I should buy some of them and take them back for our orphan children to eat.  I asked the ladies how much one bag would cost, and they replied,  “It is seven hundred shillings.”  That seemed a little high to me for greens so I went into the little restaurant and gave out some more tracts and asked the owner (who happened to be a lady that I knew quite well) how much a little bag should cost.  She said that 700 shillings was the usual price.  So I went back outside and started digging in my purse for the money.  I was going to buy 7 bags to take home so there would be enough for all of the children to enjoy.  As I was digging in my purse, the lady inside the restaurant called out, “Who are you buying that for?”  I replied that I wanted to take it back for the children at home.  “What children?” she asked.  I told her that we now had orphans living with us and that I wanted to take back some greens for them to eat. 

She then replied,  “Those aren’t greens!” 

I had almost bought and taken home to our children seven bags of . . .  marijuana!

O ME!!

Remember missionaries in your prayers this week.

3 responses to “The missionary’s wife and the “Veggie tale”!

  1. Helen February 4, 2013 at 13:25

    How naive! As soon as I read “bags of green leaves”, I knew exactly where this tale was leading!!
    – Great blog btw, I have been reading on-&- off for a couple of years now.

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