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Tag Archives: to every tribe

William Carey’s 11 Commandments of Missions

An interesting piece here on William Carey’s 11 pieces of advice on missions:saving drowning man

  1. Set an infinite value on immortal souls.
  2. Gain all the information you can about “the snares and delusions in which these heathens are held.”
  3. Abstain from all English manners which might increase prejudice against the gospel.
  4. Watch for all opportunities for doing good, even when you are tired and hot.
  5. Make Christ crucified the great subject of your preaching.
  6. Earn the people’s confidence by your friendship. …Read More!

When you see a missionary coming home broken in body….

These are just a few interesting quotes I came across from To Every Tribe. Hop over there and take a peek at what God is doing in previously unreached lands…

william careyRemember, when you see a missionary coming home broken in body and weary in soul, it isn’t the privations or dangers or things he’s done that leave a deep hurt; it’s the things he couldn’t do that break his heart.

Anonymous Missionary


I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages – Villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world.

Robert Moffat, 1795-1883 Pioneer Missionary to South Africa


We do not truly understand the gospel if we spend all of our time preaching it to Christians. The gospel is a missionary gospel.  It is a communication of Good News to people and in places where the name of Christ is unknown.

David Sitton, President of To Every Tribe Read more of this post